Who is the jack pine?
The Jack Pine Conference is the athletic conference for the Class B and Class C schools in the Central Michigan area. With the diverse array of sports, athletes, coaches, and schools, the Jack Pine is like no other!
Our member schools
The Jack Pine Conference is comprised of the following schools:
Beaverton - Beavers - www.beavertonschools.net
Bullock Creek - Lancers - www.bcreek.org
Clare - Pioneers - www.clare.k12.mi.us
Farwell - Eagles - www.farwellschools.net
Gladwin - Flying Gās - www.gladwinschools.net
Harrison - Hornets - www.harrisonschools.com
Meridian - Mustangs - www.merps.org
Ogemaw Heights - Falcons - www.wbrc.k12.mi.us
Pinconning - Spartans - www.pasd.org
Saint Louis - Sharks - www.stlouisschools.net
Shepherd - Blue Jays - www.shepherdschools.net
Standish-Sterling - Panthers - www.standish-sterling.org